

University of Maryland, Baltimore County, MD
Instructor of English
Onondaga Community College, Syracuse, NY
Instructor of English
Barnard College, New York City, NY
Adjunct Assistant Professor of English


English Grammar and Composition
I taught this course at the University of Maryland and Onondaga Community College. The first part of the course was a review of basic grammar, including subject-verb and pronoun-reference agreement, proper use of verb tenses, punctuation, and diction. The second part of the course focused on composition, including paragraphing, varieties of compositional structure, and the forms and techniques for writing research papers.
English A: Introduction to Literature
I taught this course every semester for four years at Barnard College. Specific texts varied from semester to semester. But the course always included a mix of poetry, drama, and fiction, from Medieval or Renaissance to Modern literature. Poets included Shakespeare, Pope, Wordsworth, Keats, Browning, and T.S. Eliot. Dramatists included Shakespeare and Congreve. Novelists included Fielding, Austen, Bronte, and Woolf.
English 93: Critical Writing
I also taught this course numerous times at Barnard. It was really a course in literary theory from "New Criticism" to Deconstruction. We read selections from Aristotle, W.K. Wimsatt, Cleanth Brooks, T.S. Eliot, R.S. Crane, Rene Wellek, Northrop Frye, E.M. Forster, Ian Watt, Harold Bloom, Stanley Fish, Jonathan Culler, E.D.Hirsch, and Richard Macksey. Readings were usually associated with specific literary texts.
English 40: Women and Literature
I taught this course a couple of times at Barnard. It featured works primarily by women, but the focus was really about the portrayal of women and women's issues in literature. Texts included The Second Sex, A Room of One's Own, novels by Jane Austen, Fanny Burney, Charlotte Bronte, George Eliot, Kate Chopin, Virginia Woolf and Sylvia Plath, and poems by Pope, Keats, Plath, and Adrienne Rich.
English 76: English Romanticism
I taught this course for one of the senior faculty members who was on leave. But the selections and approach were all my own. It combined a survey of the English Romantics with a discussion of the prevailing critical approaches to their work.
English 98: Love and Romance in the Renaissance
This was another course I only taught once for a senior faculty member on leave. Texts included Sidney's Astrophil and Stella, Spenser's Amoretti, Epithalamium, and Faerie Queene, and Shakespeare's Pericles, Cymbeline, and Winter's Tale.
English 42: Visual and Verbal Caricature
This was a course largely based upon my original research in caricature. Authors included Congreve, Addison, Fielding, Swift, Burney, Dickens, and Kafka. Artists included Ghezzi, Patch, Hogarth, Bunbury, Collet, Mortimer, Rowlandson, Cruikshank, and Goya.