The Basics
- Graduated "With Highest Honors" from the University of California
with a BA in English. Was Phi Beta Kappa and Woodrow Wilson Fellow.
- Attended Johns Hopkins University on an NDEA Fellowship. Received a PhD
there with a dissertation on Jane Austen's novels.
- Wrote academic and freelance articles, movie and theater reviews, and a first draft of a screenplay while looking for a job in academics.
- Taught writing and other courses at the University of Maryland
and Barnard College.
- Awarded grants for advanced research on 18th century caricature by Barnard College, the Woodrow Wilson Fellowship Foundation, and the
National Endowment for the Humanities. Published academic and freelance articles.
- Hired by AT&T as a Technical Writer. Won numerous awards from the
Society for Technical Communication (STC) for
publications I wrote and/or managed.
- Started the first web design and development group within Bell Labs Technical Publications.
- Retired from AT&T as Senior Technical Director of Instructional Design.
- Currently spending my time developing a web site devoted to the work of James Gillray,
writing screenplays, and maintaining two web sites I've created for friends.